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ORNAC Standards
ORNAC Standards



Access the 2021 edition of the Operating Room Nurses' Association of Canada's standards, position statements and guidelines for perioperative nursing.

More Info

Save-to-Browser and Print Instructions:

You can save the online version of the ORNAC standards to your browser but you need to create a personal account.  This option makes it possible to access ORNAC from any location using any browser and to print specific pages.

  1. Create your account (click on Content Library)
  2. Click on Self-register now
  3. Complete registration
  4. While logged into your personal account, open ORNAC online (View Online)
  5. Bookmark the page
  6. Click on the SAVE icon to ‘Save to Browser’ or PRINT icon to print


Now you can use that link from your bookmarks to access ORNAC from anywhere.
