Assigning Requests Process
- Once a research question is 'approved', the team needs to assemble with a librarian and research scientist/researcher for the reference interview, an integral process to understand the requestor’s information needs. Michelle Dalidowicz will coordinate the librarians to conduct the reference interview to help formulate the question to determine the parameters of the search. Andreea Badea will coordinate the researchers to have at least two researchers available if a team does not already have assigned researchers. It is important for all team members who will be involved in writing or using the review to be present for the reference interview, along with the research scientist, researcher(s), librarian(s). Timelines should be discussed and agreed upon during the reference interview.
- After confirming the research question in the reference interview, the librarian will enter the question into the Rapid Review Intake form (a member of the team may also enter the information into the intake form but it should be coordindated with the librarian to avoid duplication of entry).
- The library will issue a confirmation/notification of the research question to the team and the project leads. The notification will include the unique review code assigned to the question (for example, LAB041601) . The review code must appear on the Evidence Search Report and the Rapid Review. A link will be placed on the team's tab with the question posed.
- The librarians assigned to your team will conduct a thorough search of the indexed literature, grey literature, news sources, or other sources as agreed upon. An Evidence Search Report will be created, and the library team will begin the Rapid Review template with relevant library sections filled in. The final search report and the Rapid Review template will be sent to the researchers to begin an assessment and synthesis of the evidence. The library will add the Evidence Search Report to the team's tab. The library will add the Evidence Search report to the database and the repository.
- The research scientist/researcher and the team (depending on the structure of the team) will produce the Rapid Review Report according to the template. The rapid review will be sent to the appropriate team, the library and the project leaders, and Dr. Groot and Dr. Reeder. The library will add the Rapid Review to the team's tab.
Please note: All documents must be sent to the library's email. All documents must be sent in Word format. The library will convert the documents to PDF, retaining any links to external resources and enter the ESR and RR to the database, and place links on the team tabs and the dashboards.
The team may choose to continue to review the literature on a specific research question after the review is written. The Librarian will set up search alerts for the team lead and/or team members of the indexed literature. It is very difficult to set up alerts to the grey literature and connecting with a researcher student may be the best option to provide oversight on the grey literature on a specific topic.