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SHA Library

College of Medicine Regina Campus                         Register with us

Clinically-based resources from the SHA Library

We teach the Informatics classes. We can also help you with:

  • research papers: where to start; focusing on your topic & guiding you in writing literature reviews
  • structuring evidence searches (click on the Evidence Searches tab for more information)
  • using citation managers (i.e. EndNote, Zotero, etc.)
  • acquiring full-text articles (never pay for an article!!!)
  • copyright and plagiarism advice
  • teaching you how to use various online resources

Complete the Service Request Form to request help with any of the services listed above.

Complete the Service Request Form to request help with any of the below items.

We can help you find the best evidence by providing the following support by:

Year-1 and Year-2 Students

  • teaching you effective search methods in the medical databases

Clerks and Residents

  • teaching you effective search methods in the medical databases
  • having librarians conduct evidence searches on any topic (provided the search is NOT for a school assignment)

All College of Medicine Learners

  • helping you select and use specific medical databases
  • helping you manage your search results

Useful Contacts